In recent times, the Iron Dome made the news through its effective use in Israel. Many around the world saw how missiles were fired at Israel and saw how it was utilized.
However, many other nations around the world use this defense system as well. The only difference is that they are in a fortunate position not to use it.
The United States has a similar system called SkyHunter™. This system can be integrated into other parts of the US military defense system as well.
The Use of the Iron Dome
The iron dome has multiple uses in modern-day war. Some of its purposes are as follows:
- It helps to get troops into positions by protecting them. This is during deployment as well as during maneuvering.
- It is used to protect the strategic assets of various countries around the world.
- It protects vulnerable populated areas from missile attacks.
The iron dome is particularly effective against cruise missiles, Air Breathing Threats (ABT), C-RAM, Precise Guided Missile (PGM), and dense salvos.
How does it work?
The main purpose of the iron dome is detection. It is specifically geared to early detection so that the military can address the threat immediately. The moment they detect the threat, they can intercept and destroy it. This has proven to be a most successful defense weapon.
The importance of the iron dome is that:
- It assists with an immediate interception of various types of missiles.
- It can operate any time of the day and in all types of weather.
- It can work as a stand-alone defense system or it can be integrated with other defense systems.
- It can detect dense salvos and intercept these.
Where else does it work?
One of the most recent ways the iron dome can be used is with its I-Dome. This is the mobile version. This can be used with a truck. The Naval forces make use of the C-dome that has the same function.